Off we go on our 2 day trip down the Mekong to Luang Prebang in Laos.
We were collected from our hotel at 8.00am and taken to the Thai immigration and passport control area on the Thai side of the river. Mainly backpackers but a few oldies. Our boat trip owner checked that all our documentation was OK, so although it was a bit manic on the Thai side and even more so across the river on the Laos side all was sorted without too much fuss. Paid up our $35 for our entry visa, loaded into a Tuk Tuk and ten minutes later we arrived at our boat for the journey. It turned out that there would only be nine of us on board so we had plenty of room. At about 10 am we set off.
We had a short stop at a Hill Village on the way. They are generally self sustaining, fishing, farming( bananas, rice, teak,)
Back on board and a few hours later we arrived at our overnight stay in Pak Beng. All boats must stop overnight so this place can get quite crowded. Lots of hostels and guest houses and quite a lot of “restaurants”
We had two English, two German and three Italians on board plus our Laos host, Car.