Leisurely breakfast. Lodge and rooms super. Drove back to Modimolle to stock up on provisions and booze. Spent a bit too much time over breakfast and shopping. On the road at midday for our trip the Khama Rhino Reserve in Botswana for our first two nights stay atop the vehicles. Stopped in Lephalale for lunch for sushi and chips which took even more time and we were still a long way to the Botswana border. Spent about an hour at the border and by this time realised we were going to be very late at Khama. Phoned ahead to let them know. Arrived at 7pm in the pitch black and went straight into the restaurant for steak and a touch of the red stuff. Now the fun of setting up camp in the pitch black for first time. Managed ok but a bit disorganised, decided to save the organising until the morning. Comfortable and cosy tent. Nice camp pitch, number 5 of 7 and very secluded about 200m apart. Quite windy
No wifi now for about 6 days